Wearable technology is the new frontier for the digital lifestyle. Whether it’s an Apple Watch, FitBit or Misfit, these new devices make us aware of our surroundings in subtle ways that are embedded in our lives more deeply than ever before.
What would it look like to pioneer wearable technology from a Christian perspective?
What could we create?
Could we use wearables to keep women and children safe from predators?
Could we detect people’s moods and notify loved ones to reach out with prayer, God's Word, and care when they are feeling down?
Could we use wearables to better connect us to the sick and lonely in order to serve them?
And of course, how can wearables help us stay connected with our spouses, parents, children, friends, and others for the sake of prayer and sharing the Gospel?
How does the hope of God's kingdom shape our use of wearables, enabling us to better love others?
Additional resources
Ideas & Info for inspiration http://www.forbes.com/sites/parmyolson/2014/06/19/wearable-tech-health-insurance/ - “...Quantified Self movement: that they’ll help us learn more about ourselves…” http://www.economist.com/news/business/21646225-smartwatches-and-other-wearable-devices-become-mainstream-products-will-take-more http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/national/2015/05/09/the-revolution-will-be-digitized/ http://www.wearabletechworld.com/listaill.aspx