What is Code for the Kingdom (#C4TK)?
Code for the Kingdom or #C4TK is a weekend hackathon and ongoing ecosystem where global issues are tackled from a Christian perspective. #C4TK has hosted over 10 individual hackathons in the U.S., U.K., India etc. in the last couple of years. On Oct 2-4 2015, 15 cities around the world will be hosting a Christian Hackathon over the weekend. Cities from America, Europe, Africa and Asia, will for the first time, host a simultaneous Christian hackathon and Bengaluru is India’s sole presence on that map. We would love for you to join us in Bengaluru!
Nice! When and where is #C4TK happening?
The upcoming edition of #C4TK is slated to occur simultaneously in 15 cities around the world on Oct 2-4, 2015. The Indian edition will be held in the nation’s I.T. capital - Bengaluru at the Fairfield Marriott located at 59th C Cross, 4th M Block, Rajaji Nagar, Bengaluru - 560 010, India.Now that you know when and where we are gathering, we pray that you will consider joining us for a fabulous time serving the Kingdom.
Great. How much does it cost to participate in the Hackathon?
The ALL ACCESS PASS for this weekend Hackathon is priced at Rs. 2,000. The Hackathon is a 3 day event that runs from 12pm Fri Oct 2 till 6pm Sun Oct 4. Please note that we are looking to engage only 100 of India’s top technologists. We’d love to have your gifts and skills speak into digitally serving the Kingdom better. So if you believe your voice needs to be heard in this conversation, please scroll down and click on REGISTER NOW. There’s a seat with your name on it and great food, fun and fellowship waiting for you!
What does the ALL ACCESS PASS for the weekend Hackathon include?
It includes 1) Full access to participate in the Hackathon and compete for prizes, 2) Full access to all 4 excellent breakout sessions by industry experts, 3) Watch the CrossPlan (Christian Business Plan Summit) Finals live, 4) Enjoy 3 days in the company of mentors, technologists & entrepreneurs, and 5) Enjoy 5 sumptuous networking meals with your peers at the venue.
OK. What if I cannot afford the Hackathon ticket pass but really want to come?
“Passion trumps everything” - Dave Tate. While #C4TK has expenses to meet, we believe that affordability should never be an issue for a passionate believer who wants to be a part of this digital community for the Kingdom. If you think you need to be a part of this gathering, please send an email to [email protected] and tell us more about yourself, your passion, your profile and why you should be with us for such a weekend. While we cannot guarantee an automatic acceptance, we will consider each request on a case by case basis and get back to you within 3 business days.
Sounds interesting; by the way, who is organizing #C4TK Bengaluru 2015?
#C4TK or Code For the Kingdom is a global Christian Hackathon movement facilitated by Leadership Network. The 2015 Indian edition in Bengaluru is organized by Indigitous (www.indigitous.org) and YCL (www.youngcreativeleaders.com).
What is #C4TK Bengaluru’s objective?
#C4TK Bengaluru’s objective is both short term and long term. In the long run, we want to build a digitally inclined and advanced community of Christian technologists and entrepreneurs who will band together to code and create for the Kingdom. As a start, #C4TK Bengaluru 2015 will be the first of many regular such events that will bring together such people who can prototype solutions for challenges that the Kingdom is facing.
Pivoting, what is this CrossPlan that I hear about?
CrossPlan is probably India’s one and only Christian business plan summit. CrossPlan will be bringing Indian and international angel investors, incubators and accelerators to help nurture and nourish new business ideas and existing ventures that will glorify God and serve the Kingdom. YCL (www.youngcreativeleaders.com) is honored to collaborate with Code for the Kingdom and the Hackathon weekend to present CrossPlan from 6 - 8pm on Fri Oct 2 at Fairfield Marriott, Bengaluru.
What is the format of CrossPlan?
CrossPlan really kicks off when passionate believers who have a new business idea or an existing business venture submit their concept for review at www.c4tk.in/crossplan. All entries will be considered and shortlisted to the top 10 winners (5 new business ideas and 5 existing business ventures) who will then be invited to present their concepts in person at CrossPlan. This in person finals will be held at 6 - 8pm on Fri Oct 4 where these top 10 winners will pitch their ideas/ventures to a group of Christian angel investors, incubators, accelerators and a community of technologists and entrepreneurs.
That’s new! Who is this event really for?
This event is really for Christian entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial Christians! We’d like to honor Christian entrepreneurs who have taken a stance to solve a problem or challenge in the Kingdom and have an existing venture that is serving people or the Kingdom. So if you have an existing venture, company or non-profit that is glorifying God in some way or created for that purpose, please log onto www.c4tk.in/crossplan to get started.
Is CrossPlan only for entrepreneurs and business minded people?
No. We also want to encourage entrepreneurial Christians who have always wanted to start/do something for the Kingdom and make an impact in the community with your God given skills and talents. Hence, this opportunity is open to musicians, teachers, social workers and every kind of entrepreneurial Christian who wants to do something good. So even if it’s just a business idea or a working prototype or even a beta project, please get started on www.c4tk.in/crossplan.
What prizes are in store for participants of CrossPlan?
Regardless of whether you have a new business idea or an existing venture, you stand to win seed capital upto Rs. 1, 50, 000 in cash prizes, mentoring, incubation space, infrastructure etc. and much more. If you have any questions about your eligibility, please send an email to [email protected] and write to us to get instant clarification.
I’m game. How much does it cost to participate in CrossPlan?
Zero. Zilch. Zip. Nada. Nothing. You don’t have to pay anything to participate in CrossPlan. What’s more, you could win seed capital upto Rs. 1, 50, 000 in cash prizes and much more in terms of mentoring, funding and support! Wait, you’re still reading this? You should be heading over to www.c4tk.in/crossplan and submitting your idea/venture for consideration. #Justdoit.
It’s FREE??? What is the application process?
Yes. It’’s absolutely free to participate in CrossPlan. Simply go to www.c4tk.in/crossplan to submit your business concept and get started. There are two categories - New Business Idea and Existing Business Venture. Please select an appropriate category and submit your application for review.
Will someone steal my business idea if I pitch it publically in its nascent stage?
“The value of an idea lies in using it”. - Thomas Edison. Remember, no one became successful merely because they had a great idea. The reward (and risk) lies in execution. That said, C4TK or any partnering organization WILL NOT use any of your pitched idea(s) and run a business with it. On the contrary, we want to help you connect with those who can invest, support and guide you to translating those ideas to reality.
Are only Christian concepts entertained or accepted?
No. Our goal is to serve Christian entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial Christians and help them reach their goals faster. We welcome either Christian ideas and ventures or ideas and ventures founded by Christians. So even if your venture is a regular business idea that doesn’t have a direct Christian connection, please go ahead and submit your concept on www.c4tk.in/crossplan.
Which category of CrossPlan does my idea/venture fit into?
CrossPlan exists to honor both new and existing business ideas/ventures that glorify God and serve the Kingdom. If you have an existing offering that has been serving people as of Aug 10 2015, it is an existing business venture. If not, we consider your venture to still be in the “idea” phase and reckon it is a new business idea. If you have any questions about your eligibility, please send an email to [email protected] and write to us to get instant clarification.
How many applications can I submit for CrossPlan?
Unlimited! You can submit applications for as many ideas and/or ventures in the two CrossPlan categories - New Business Idea and Existing Business Venture. Please note that each idea/venture requires only one submission. However, please make sure that you don’t submit multiple applications for the same idea/venture. Multiple submissions for the same idea/venture do not offer any additional benefit for you and it only makes our job harder as we try to delete the duplicate submissions.
What if I have a team working on my business idea/venture?
The more, the merrier! It doesn’t matter how many of you are working on your idea/venture. Anyone can submit an application on behalf of your idea/venture. In fact, you can submit an application on behalf of a friend’s idea/venture as well. So be generous and help a budding entrepreneurial friend by getting his/her business concept submitted on www.c4tk.in/crossplan.
Let me get started then! What happens to those who are selected?
While we are thankful for all the entries, we can afford to shortlist only the Top 10 Winners. We will then invite these Top 10 Winners (five (5) new business ideas and five (5) existing business ventures) to the weekend Hackathon on Oct 2-4 2015 in Bengaluru. These Top 10 Winners will then get a chance to pitch their ideas/ventures to a group of Christian angel investors, incubators, accelerators and a community of technologists and entrepreneurs. One winner and runner-up from each category will then be awarded seed capital of upto Rs. 1, 50, 000 in cash prizes and much more in terms of mentoring, funding and support.
What happens to the Top 10 Winners who don’t go on to win cash prizes?
Unfortunately, no. However, all the top 10 winners will get a chance to connect with the large digital community at the venue comprising angel investors, technologists and entrepreneurs who might be able to support these ideas/ventures further. In fact, we will ensure that each of the Top 10 Winners are connected to at least one mentor/ organization to guide the idea/venture forward.
Oh! What about those who apply but are not selected?
In the Kingdom, we believe that no effort should go unrewarded as said in Luke 10:7 - “A laborer is worth his wages”. For those who applied but were not selected, we’d love to invite you to join us on Friday Oct 2 for the kickoff from 2 - 10pm. We’d love to have dinner with you and know you better while we hear the opening keynote, watch CrossPlan and hear our hackathon pitches. However, this invitation is not open by default to all applicants as there are limited seats available for that evening. If you applied and did not get selected but still want to attend the kick off evening, please write to us at [email protected] to request a Kickoff Pass for yourself.
Sounds fair. Can I attend CrossPlan without attending the Hackathon and vice versa?
FYI, while the #C4TK Hackathon runs from 12noon IST on Fri Oct 2 till 6pm IST on Sun Oct 4, CrossPlan is a two hour program that runs from 6pm to 8pm IST on Fri Oct 2. If you apply for participating in the Hackathon and are selected, yes, you can attend the Hackathon without attending CrossPlan. If you apply for participating in CrossPlan and are selected as one of the Top 10 Winners, yes, you can attend CrossPlan without attending the Hackathon.
How can I get the latest updates about the event?
The best way for this would be to VISIT our facebook page - www.facebook.com/c4tkIndia - because all participants’ and organizers’ conversations will live on that Facebook page. We strongly recommend that you LIKE this page so that you can get automatic updates daily as we expect new conversation threads to happen daily on this page.
Will do. If I think I can contribute differently or have an idea, how do I get in touch?
If? We are sure that many of you have tons of amazing ideas and would love to hear from you about how to make this a better experience for everyone. We’d love it if you can drop a line onto [email protected] and reach out to us with your best ideas and/or any other way you can contribute for His greater glory.
Talk soon then! Is there anyway I can help #C4TK?
Absolutely. We hope you will consider PRAYING for, PARTICIPATING in and PROMOTING this event. There is nothing more powerful and valuable than your prayers. While we would to serve as a platform for you to participate and serve the Kingdom with your skills and talents, we also pray that you will spread the word to your near and dear ones. Together, let’s code and create for the Kingdom.
Wait, I’m not based in Bengaluru. Can I still attend?
Of course. Only half the attendees are expected to be based in Bengaluru. In fact, people are not just coming from other states, but from a few other countries as well. So don’t worry about your base and rush to www.c4tk.in/crossplan to run this race!
Awesome. What if I’m not a Christian. Can I still attend?
if you are not a Christian, we would love to have you consider joining us for this weekend. However, please bear in mind that this event is primarily a Christian Hackathon attended by Christians who love Jesus Christ so much that they want to offer Him their talents and time. That said, in Isaiah 55:9, God says, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts”. So if you feel God is leading you to participate, please get started on www.c4tk.in/crossplan!
In case I’m not a technologist, entrepreneur or designer, can I still attend?
Yes. Anyone who wants to participate in the Hackathon needs to sign up by www.c4tk.in/hackathon. However, if you are interested in participating in CrossPlan, please get started by www.c4tk.in/crossplan.
What’s the last date for registering for either the Hackathon or CrossPlan?
Registration for both the Hackathon and CrossPlan will close by 9pm IST on Tuesday Sep 10 2015. All results will be announced latest by 9pm IST on Friday Sep 14 2015. The clock’s ticking and we’d love to have your talents and time contributing to the Kingdom. So CLICK on www.c4tk.in/hackathon to participate in the Hackathon and/or CLICK on www.c4tk.in/crossplan to participate in CrossPlan.
So what happens in September if registration ends on Sep 10 and the event starts on Oct 2?
Registration closes at 9pm IST on Tuesday Sep 10 2015. The shortlisted results will be announced latest by 9pm IST on Friday Sep 14 2015. Immediately, the organizers will be in touch with the selected applicants as we form teams and connect you either to the official challenges or projects that you want to work on. We will then connect you with project managers and co-ordinate with you via weekly meetings. The timing, frequency, mode of communication etc. will be decided by you, your team and your project manger. On Fri Sep 25 2015, all the teams will connect with their managers for a final update of the project status.
What happens after Oct 4 when the event ends?
Ideally and hopefully this movement will never end. We are hoping and praying that the momentum we spark off in September will fan the flames in October and result in regular meetups and similar events. We are already contemplating a post event meetup at the end of the year and would love more chances to gather with you.
Allrighty! I’m in. What all do I need to bring to the event?
We follow a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy. Please bring your own laptop and any other mobile/tablet device that you may need. If you have your own 3G/4G router, data-card or Wi-Fi source, please bring that as well although we will have a general Internet access provision at the venue. We also suggest you bring business cards to connect with new friends that you will meet at the event.
Thanks. What all will be provided at the venue?
Please note that only whatever is mentioned below will be provided at the venue. Please consider bringing anything else that you may personally need for this weekend. We will provide 5 sumptuous meals (Lunch and dinner on Fri Oct 2, unch and dinner on Sat Oct 3 as well as lunch on Sun Oct 4) and serve coffee and cookies during the day. We will also provide Internet access and extension cords for charging for your devices. That said, if you have any 3G/4G router, data-card or Wi-Fi source, we strongly encourage that you bring it for faster speeds. Please note that we do not provide any devices such as laptops or mobile/tablets for you to work on. Hence, please adhere to our BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy.
But just to clarify, do I need to bring my own laptop?
Yes. We follow a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy. Please bring your own laptop and any other mobile/tablet device that you may need. If you have your own 3G/4G router, data-card or Wi-Fi source, please bring that as well although we will have a general Internet access provision at the venue.
Just clarifying the most important question! Will food be provided at the venue?
Burrp, of course! We will not only offer 5 sumptuous meals (Lunch and dinner on Fri Oct 2, lunch and dinner on Sat Oct 3 as well as lunch on Sun Oct 4) but will also serve coffee and cookies during the day. Food for thought? Sign up now to participate in the Hackathon by www.c4tk.in/hackathon before hungrier, faster people beat you to it!
Delicious! Can I sleep/shower at the venue?
Unfortunately, we do not offer any rooms to sleep or shower and hope you will have ensured overnight accommodation for yourself as doors will remain closed from 10pm to 9am everyday. You can always use the restrooms to freshen up but please note that the restrooms do not offer showering facilities. If you have any special case that you’d like to talk to us about, please contact us by writing to [email protected] and explain your situation and we will try and help you as best as possible.
Fingers crossed; must I work non-stop at the venue?
Nope. You’re your own boss. You get to decide when you and your team members (if applicable) should work and when you should stop. Just remember to have everything ready to present by 12noon IST on Sunday Oct 04, 2015. In fact, we are trying to add activities to brighten the weekend. Please stay tuned to our Facebook page for more updates.
All right, I’m in but I can’t stay for the whole weekend. Can I still participate?
Of course. A lot of the work is going to happen before the Hackathon itself. So even if you can’t stay for the whole weekend, you can still connect and collaborate with the teams beforehand and start coding and creating for the Kingdom. Please scroll upwards to the section titled SCHEDULE to see the event schedule so that in case you can’t be present for the whole weekend, you at least know what’s happening and when. That way you can plan your attendance in accordance with what suits you best!
Thanks. So do technologists and non technologists sign up the same way?
Yes. Anyone who wants to participate in the Hackathon needs to sign up by www.c4tk.in/hackathon. However, if you are interested in participating in CrossPlan, please get started by www.c4tk.in/crossplan.
What’s the last date for registering for either the Hackathon or CrossPlan?
Registration for both the Hackathon and CrossPlan will close by 9pm IST on Tuesday Sep 10 2015. All results will be announced latest by 9pm IST on Friday Sep 14 2015. The clock’s ticking and we’d love to have your talents and time contributing to the Kingdom. So CLICK on www.c4tk.in/hackathon to participate in the Hackathon and/or CLICK on www.c4tk.in/crossplan to participate in CrossPlan.
So what happens in September if registration ends on Sep 10 and the event starts on Oct 2?
Registration closes at 9pm IST on Tuesday Sep 10 2015. The shortlisted results will be announced latest by 9pm IST on Friday Sep 14 2015. Immediately, the organizers will be in touch with the selected applicants as we form teams and connect you either to the official challenges or projects that you want to work on. We will then connect you with project managers and co-ordinate with you via weekly meetings. The timing, frequency, mode of communication etc. will be decided by you, your team and your project manger. On Fri Sep 25 2015, all the teams will connect with their managers for a final update of the project status.
What happens after Oct 4 when the event ends?
Ideally and hopefully this movement will never end. We are hoping and praying that the momentum we spark off in September will fan the flames in October and result in regular meetups and similar events. We are already contemplating a post event meetup at the end of the year and would love more chances to gather with you.
Allrighty! I’m in. What all do I need to bring to the event?
We follow a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy. Please bring your own laptop and any other mobile/tablet device that you may need. If you have your own 3G/4G router, data-card or Wi-Fi source, please bring that as well although we will have a general Internet access provision at the venue. We also suggest you bring business cards to connect with new friends that you will meet at the event.
Thanks. What all will be provided at the venue?
Please note that only whatever is mentioned below will be provided at the venue. Please consider bringing anything else that you may personally need for this weekend. We will provide 5 sumptuous meals (Lunch and dinner on Fri Oct 2, unch and dinner on Sat Oct 3 as well as lunch on Sun Oct 4) and serve coffee and cookies during the day. We will also provide Internet access and extension cords for charging for your devices. That said, if you have any 3G/4G router, data-card or Wi-Fi source, we strongly encourage that you bring it for faster speeds. Please note that we do not provide any devices such as laptops or mobile/tablets for you to work on. Hence, please adhere to our BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy.
So, why is the #C4TK Bengaluru hackathon any different from other hackathons?
#C4TK is India’s one and only Christian Hackathon which brings together the nation’s top 100 technologists and entrepreneurs who are passionate about serving the Kingdom. So if you love the Lord and want to offer your gifts and talents in this digital/tech era, just click here to get started - www.c4tk.in/hackathon. In case you have an existing business venture or a great new business idea, consider participating in CrossPlan - India’s first Christian Business Plan Summit by clicking on www.c4tk.in/crossplan. Please scroll down for more detailed information about CrossPlan.
Just to be sure, who will own the IP of any/all of the work done?
Great question! Whoever builds the demo/prototype/product will own the IP of the work done. If the development is done as a team, all the members of the team will own the IP of the work done and it is up to the team members to decide who owns how much of the IP. Code for the Kingdom will not interfere in or own any IP of any project/program/product at any point of time.
Phew! At the end of the hackathon, what happens to the work done by the teams?
Our mentors will be in touch with the teams to help navigate your next steps towards market viability and feasibility. We want to ensure that all your hard work will soon impact the Kingdom and will be working with you for that through our mentors and associated industry experts.
Realistically, what are the possibilities of getting funding for project ideas?
Some of our Christian angel investors have already confirmed that they are actively looking out for at least 4-5 project ideas that they’d like to fund and scale rightaway, depending on which stage your project is at. For more information, please contact us at [email protected].
Interesting! What’s the application process to get selected as a participant for the Hackathon?
Log onto www.c4tk.in/hackathon and answer the questions to register for a spot. Once you submit your application for review, we will contact you within three (3) business days and confirm your status. You will then be guided to make your registration payment of Rs. 2,000. Once your payment confirmation is received, one of our project managers will be in touch with you latest, by or before Sep 14 2015 with next steps regarding team formation, project choice etc. We will then see you at the event on Fri Oct 2 at the Fairfield Marriott, Bengaluru.
I understand. So how can I give myself the best chance to get selected?
The trick is simple. 1) Like the Facebook page for the latest updates,2) Apply early before seats get filled up, and 3) Connect with us at [email protected] for any further questions.
On it! Can I only work on the official challenges or can I also work on my own project?
You can work on your own project as well. If selected, you will be contacted by a project manager who will try and work with you individually as we form teams. You can then explain the project in detail and co-ordinate with the project manager for whatever works best for you.
That sounds fair. But then how will teams be formed?
Our project managers will contact you and work with you individually to form balanced teams that comprise individuals who have the same goal yet complementary skill sets. For any issue, please feel free to mail us at [email protected] and we shall ensure its resolved quickly.
OK. Will I meet my team members ahead of the event?
Quite possibly. Since most team members will be decided in September itself, your project managers should have sufficient time to help you connect and co-ordinate ahead of the event. While we cannot guarantee it, if you are based in Bengaluru or are willing to travel to Bengaluru, this is a strong possibility.
Can’t wait! Can I present or pitch projects or technology that I’ve already worked on?
Of course. Once selected, you can pitch projects or technology of your choice to our project managers. They will help you get started and find teams that can help your goals. While the primary focus is to work on the official challenges, the project managers are also interested in knowing projects that you want to work on and help provide you with the required team/support that will help make you successful.
Oh nice, can I bring a friend along?
Please remember that invitation is restricted to those who register on www.c4tk.in/hackathon or www.c4tk.in/crossplan and are shortlisted. If you get selected and want to bring a friend along, please contact us personally at [email protected] as otherwise entry is restricted by invitation alone.
What is CrossPlan?
CrossPlan is a Christian Business Plan Summit and India’s first such platform where Christian entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial Christians can pitch their new business ideas or existing business ventures to Christian angel investors. Check www.c4tk.in/crossplan for more information or scroll for more FAQ about CrossPlan.
So, how is it different from other business plan competitions?
CrossPlan is a Christian Business Plan Summit where we try and support innovative ideas and ventures from a Christian perspective which serve the Kingdom. Christian entrepreneurs who have existing business ventures as well as entrepreneurial Christians who have new business ideas are invited to apply on www.c4tk.in/crossplan so that we can shortlist the top 10 winners for the Finals on Oct 2 at Fairfield Marriott, Bengaluru. All the panelists on the show will be Christian angel investors who are looking to invest in new business ideas or existing business ventures that can serve and impact the Kingdom for the greater glory of God.
Thank you. Who all are eligible to participate in CrossPlan?
Anyone! Absolutely anyone. There are no restrictions. All you need to do is to log onto www.c4tk.in/crossplan and register. Get, set, go!
I’m loving it! Is there a maximum limit on number of entry submissions?
Are you crazy? Of course not. There is no limit on the number of entries that you can submit. The more the number of entries that you submit, the better chance you have for getting shortlisted and you know that’s where the magic starts! So get cracking on all your business ideas and ventures so that we can try and support them and help them impact the Kingdom. If you’re ready, just click here on www.c4tk.in/crossplan and get started today!
I’m on it. When is the last day for submission?
While the last day for submission is Tue Sep 10 2015, we strongly recommend you to apply as soon as possible as applications are rolling and seats could fill up soon. So rush to www.c4tk.in/crossplan and send in your submissions as soon as you can.
Awesome. What is the next step after submission?
On submission, you will receive a confirmation email along with suggested next steps. Please ensure that you submit your application before Sep 10 2015. While the official announcements for the top 10 shortlisted entries will be made on Sep 14 2015, we will try and respond personally on an earlier date if possible. Since it’s a rolling application, seats could fill up fast and hence, we encourage to submit your applications quickly.
What happens to the shortlisted Top 10 Winners?
All shortlisted Top 10 Winners will be invited to attend the #C4TK Hackathon weekend at the Fairfield Marriott in Bengaluru and the entry fee of Rs. 2,000 will be waived for them. They will then get a chance to pitch their ideas/ventures to Christian angel investors on Friday evening on Oct 2 from 6 - 8pm in front of the whole community of #C4TK attendees. One winnner and one runner-up in each category (new business idea and existing business venture) will be awarded prizes on Sunday evening on Oct 4.
That’s like Shark Tank! How many projects will be shortlisted for the next round?
That’s right. It is like Shark Tank, but angels are nothing like Sharks. Sharks are aggressive and they bite. Angels are gentle and they guide you instead. That said, we will accept all the applications and then shortlist 10 Top Winners who will be invited to attend CrossPlan at the Hackathon weekend.
What’s in store for those who get shortlisted?
All those who get shortlisted will get detailed emails about next steps in a timely manner latest by or before Sep 14 2015. If you think you haven’t received any emails by error, please contact us at [email protected].
What about those who did not get shortlisted?
In the Kingdom, we believe that no effort should go unrewarded as said in Luke 10:7 - “A laborer is worth his wages”. For those who do not get shortlisted, we’d love to invite you to join us on Friday evening on Oct 2 for the kickoff from 5-9pm. We’d love to have dinner with you and know you better while we hear the opening keynote, watch CrossPlan and hear our hackathon pitches.However, this invitation is not open by default to all applicants as there are limited seats available for that evening. If you applied and did not get selected but still want to attend the kick off evening, please write to us at [email protected] to request a Kickoff Pass for yourself.
Hmmm… So for those who are shortlisted, how and what can they prepare for?
If you got shortlisted as one of the Top 10 Winners, first of all congratulations! Along with your confirmation email, you will receive a PDF file that confirms everything step by step. If you got the confirmation email but not the PDF file, please mail [email protected] to request that copy again. Regardless, we will be in touch in person and ensure you are all set. If you do not get shortlisted, please refer to the previous question and answer how you can still benefit from this opportunity.
OK. What if I already paid for the Hackathon and then got selected for CrossPlan?
Never fear! If you get selected for CrossPlan and have already paid for the Hackathon, we will instantly refund your Hackathon payment. As a Top 10 Winner, if you’ve already paid for the Hackathon, you will also have the option to forfeit the refund and instead bring a companion to the event. As soon as the results are announced, we will be in touch to help you plan this out smoothly. So go ahead and click on REGISTER to SIGN UP for the Hackathon or log onto www.c4tk.in/crossplan to SIGN UP for CrossPlan.
I’m getting nervous… Can I test my project before the final presentation?
Absolutely. Code Freeze will happen sharply at 12noon IST on Sunday Oct 4. From 12 noon till 2pm IST, participants will have a chance to test their presentation for audio/video interaction. That way, presenters will be all set at 2pm to seamlessly reap what they’ve sown, in style!
That helps! Who will be in attendance during the final presentation?
Apart from an well qualified jury of Christian ministry and industry experts, the room will be filled with 150 Christian technologists, entrepreneurs, designers, businessmen/women, theologists, ministry personnel etc.
Wow. I’m game. Are there any prizes on offer?
Cash prizes of over Rs. 2,00,000, mentorship, connections with organizations etc… What??? You’re still here? Get over www.c4tk.in/hackathon or www.c4tk.in/crossplan and register a spot for yourself!
Whaaaa??? That’s awesome. How will prizes be shared among team members?
We know you’re big boys and can figure this on your own. Code For The Kingdom, YCL and Indigitous are here only to facilitate this digital commission and will not interfere in how each team decides to share the spoils. When the winners are announced on Sunday at 4pm, they will be asked to confirm how to divide the cash and other prizes amongst the team members.
Cool! Who will be on the jury?
The jury will be a six member panel comprising Indian and international Christian investors, technologists, entrepreneurs and ministry heads. Last year’s #C4TK Bengaluru Hackathon had a similar mix and we will confirm this year’s judging line up on Sep 25 2015. If you feel equipped to judge this competition or would like to recommend a potential judge, please write to [email protected] and tell us rightaway. Thank you so much!
What are the judging criteria for the Hackathon and CrossPlan?
What if I have any other unanswered query or want to connect?
We’d love to hear from you. Just mail us at [email protected] and we shall try and respond quickly and latest within 3 business days. In the meantime, we hope you are already signing up for the Hackathon on www.c4tk.in/crossplan or for CrossPlan on www.c4tk.in/crossplan. Thanks again for reading the FAQ. God bless and we hope to see you in Bengaluru on Oct 2-4!